Voting FAQ

Every state has its own voting processes and procedures. TurboVote streamlines the registration and voting process for you, but you may still have questions. Here are some FAQs:

What are the requirements for registering to vote?

You can register to vote using the TurboVote site!
TurboVote will guide you through your state's requirements for registering to vote.

If you've already registered, use TurboVote to sign up for text and/or email reminders with election information, dates, and deadlines. If you have to make any updates to your TurboVote account, click the link at the bottom of your last text or email from TurboVote to update your information or email to get access to your link!

Can I register to vote in Texas if I am an out-of-state student?

You can register to vote using your college or current residence as your registration address. However, if you do so, you cannot also register to vote using your parents’ address. If you change your registration, you do not need to unregister from your previous residence, the government will do so for you automatically.

How do I vote out of state?

If you wish to vote in your home state’s election, you can vote early by mail through an absentee ballot. To request an early voting ballot that will be sent to where you are currently living, you must fill out an early voting ballot request application. Although every state allows mail-in voting, every state’s rules are different.

TurboVote makes it easy to request an absentee ballot! TurboVote will provide you with a digital copy of your state’s absentee ballot request form at the end of your signup process, but can also mail the form to you along with a pre-stamped and pre-addressed envelope.

Once you fill out your form and mail it to the proper election authority, you should expect to receive a by-mail ballot in advance of the next election. Please note that TurboVote does not send ballots; only election officials can do that. TurboVote provides the forms needed to request those ballots when possible.

Click the following link for an overview of how TurboVote mails your forms to you: TurboVote Mailings

Can I still vote if I am studying abroad?

All U.S. citizens over 18 who are residing outside of the United States are eligible to vote via absentee ballot. You can receive an absentee ballot by email, fax, or downloaded from the internet depending on your home state. Please visit the U.S. Department of State website for more information.

How can I verify that I am registered to vote and that my voter record is correct?

You can check your registration status here: Voter Registration Status

What if my election authority says I am not registered?

It takes several weeks to process voter registration requests. If your voting record or registration cannot be located, or you have concerns about your registration, contact your local election authority. Be sure to register early just in case any issues arise!

What are the registration deadlines?

Most states require that registrations be completed between 7-30 days before the election. Be sure to check for your state’s voter registration deadline.

    What forms of identification do I need to vote?

    In Texas, voters must present one of these valid forms of ID. However, voter ID laws vary by state. If you wish to vote in-person, please verify that you have a valid ID by visiting this site.

    Where and when can I cast my ballot in person?

    TurboVote keeps track of elections happening around the country at the federal, state, and local levels. When there’s an election coming up for the registration address a student entered when signing up for TurboVote, we’ll send them two reminders: one about a month beforehand, and the other the day before the election. These reminders will include information about how they can cast their ballot and if there are any early voting options available in their state.

    If you would like to vote in person on election day, you can check polling locations by state through visiting Hours and locations may vary and change. Be sure to check the polling locations near you closer to the elections to ensure the information is up-to-date.